-- Trust.
It all has to do with your trust in Me.
In My desire to do "right" by you.
Trust in My kindness and goodness towards you.
Trust in My ability to take care of whatever is in you that is not pleasing to Me.
I know you can't do it. If you could have, you would have. For Me. For yourself. For your family. For the sake of those around you.
But I know you can't! I know you are tired.
"Sin" is a helpless thing. I could see that from the beginning. That was why I had to do something. Something rather drastic. Yes, it was drastic as you have begun to understand. It was tearingly drastic. In some ways it tore the very fiber of My being.
And if I had to do it all over again,
if I could do it all over again,
if it would do any good to make it possible to salvage more.
I would.
You know that!
You've begun to see that in Me.
No, I don't want any to perish.
And no, My will and desire are not always done,
- to the detriment of everyone.
That is why I said to pray to the Father, "Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."
I don't, didn't waste My breath on bogus prayers that make no difference. And neither do I ask My people to do so.
And no, you must leave ( ) to Me. You do not do not know where you walk if you step out of line from where I tell you to go. In the wrong time, the right information can bring damage instead of healing. I will tell you "when" and "if" you may address this to him, My little warrior.
You are so ready to fight.
So ready to leap to My defense!
Truly, I don't know whether to laugh or cry over you!
Laugh, because Child, you are so little!
And I am very, very big. You just can't imagine.
I want to laugh and put My arms around you pull you to My chest and "smother you with kisses". It is so darling of you to come to My defense!
But Child. I have been absorbing this pain for eons and will continue to do so. You can't do it, Little One. It only hurts you.
And that is why it makes Me "cry". You try so hard. You are so valiant. Such a little fighter. But no more. Put down your weapons -
lay them at My feet
and do not take them up again.
I know you are conflicted because scripture says to fight so many of these things.
But you also know and very well, that Satan uses "good" in your case to trap you. Yes, it is a function of the "age" you live in. I am very well aware of the blessings and havoc of "instant" telecommunications, and I have planned for them. I know well how to work with them. That is why you must listen for My voice!
Yes, I will tell you how to test the "spirits". --
(how, Lord?)
-- Live close to Me and I will not allow you to be fooled nor deceived!
Beggars. Think.
If on an impulse you gave all you had to a "beggar" because that is what you thought scripture said...
...what would you do when your hands are empty and the person I had wanted you to bless, who needed My blessing of life through you came along
and your hands are empty
and you have nothing left to give?
The time-frame you live in makes it essential that you walk by My Spirit rather than a set of rules at best improperly understood. --

Join me on a journey into the forest where our guide cannot be seen.
But He can be heard.
Have you heard His voice?
I have.
And I suspect that if you have wanted to know His voice, you have heard Him, too. Only perhaps you have not realized what or who you were hearing.
So if there is a yearning deep in you to know something as yet unknown, join with me to explore the wilds of creation with the One who created.
I no longer maintain this blog so to start exploring the conversations, click here:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
I'm sitting out here, stewing! (what else is new?)
Ah Lord. What are we to do? It is such a mess and we are all struggling so hard.
Oh. I guess I'm trying to be a "fix-it."
-- Little Partner, -- You laugh.
dear Lord, my Lord, I don't know where to begin.
-- Pray... --
uhhh... but that is where I don't know where to start. A big ball of knots. You know how poor I am at untangling threads.
-- Ah. But do you? That is the question, isn't it?--
I do keep trying, don't I?
Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 04:56PM by Registered Commenter[Pat Kashtock] in Conversations | CommentsPost a Comment
Ah Lord. What are we to do? It is such a mess and we are all struggling so hard.
Oh. I guess I'm trying to be a "fix-it."
-- Little Partner, -- You laugh.
dear Lord, my Lord, I don't know where to begin.
-- Pray... --
uhhh... but that is where I don't know where to start. A big ball of knots. You know how poor I am at untangling threads.
-- Ah. But do you? That is the question, isn't it?--
I do keep trying, don't I?
Posted on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 04:56PM by Registered Commenter[Pat Kashtock] in Conversations | CommentsPost a Comment
Sleep My Child and Peace Attend Thee
I've been falling apart the last 24 hours. Came out here feeling frantic and overwhelmed. Everything seemed too much. I thought, "I need to go away for a few days and have someone take care of me."
--I will take care of you.—
and I lay my thoughts and fearings open to You.
--Trust. You need to learn to trust Me;
with life, your life,
"your" people which are My people.
My goodness!
You even worry over the forest creatures.
Let them go. I will tend them.
And I will tend you.
You need this: My care, My tender/silly one.
Shhhhh, My Child.
I am big.
So big.
So very, very big...--
I look at the tree in front of me in awe --
- how could it just grow up from the ground with all its knots and twists and color variations.
And I am lost in wonder.
--I will take care of you.—
and I lay my thoughts and fearings open to You.
--Trust. You need to learn to trust Me;
with life, your life,
"your" people which are My people.
My goodness!
You even worry over the forest creatures.
Let them go. I will tend them.
And I will tend you.
You need this: My care, My tender/silly one.
Shhhhh, My Child.
I am big.
So big.
So very, very big...--
I look at the tree in front of me in awe --
- how could it just grow up from the ground with all its knots and twists and color variations.
And I am lost in wonder.
I will take care of you,
so big,
so very big,
take care of me,
The Ancient Heart
I'm sick. Ill at heart. Another June, and another legal case where justice has not been served. Yet another case where we did all we could, heart and soul, and nothing worked.
I feel so hurt. All I want to do is cry. I kept wrestling with myself and my feelings from the past (that You didn't value me enough to let my mother live) last night. I guess You'll have to get me through this again. I partly know You will, but I feel shaky and lost. I don't want to close my feelings off in the way I did as a child, yet I don't want to get into free fall anger like I did over (my friend's) case last June. I feel caught between the two. The first is how I try to overcome the second.
Why are we called to try and bring justice and truth to bear if it doesn't work?
And I hear:
-- Fallen world. –
And I sense You say that this is a taste of how You feel.
Yet? How does that jive with Your sovereignty?
To say it is all in Your hands is not to say it all goes the way You want?
-- Kingdom come. Pray "Your will be done"
on earth... –
Oh. I guess it isn't.
-- No. No amount of "prayer" will "fix" it. –
...in total. only piece by piece. It will take a cataclysmic act of Yours to fix it.
-- Yes. –
but I'm so sick of it!
-- I know.
So am I..
It is repeated again and again the world over, in far worse cases. –
yet You've told me to put down my weapons, repeatedly. I don't understand how this fits.
-- Weapons of hate. –
oh. how do I do that? For hate is what I feel.
please help me. I feel so ugly and stained.
I had been trying so hard not to feel rebellious towards You over this because reacting the way I did the last time was horrible beyond words.
As I started to question why Tom's case came out like this, I was walking down the frozen food section of Safeway.
Suddenly, a song came on and hit me full in the face. It was as if You motioned to me to listen. I froze in my tracks in shock, thinking how could this ever apply to me, especially in the state I was in!
(I'm including the lyrics as best as I can remember them. Somehow, I feel they may also be for you. if not today, then tomorrow perhaps, or another day)
"Good night My angel, now it's time to go to sleep.
Put your questions away for another day
and know that I love you.
I have told you I would never leave you
and I will always be here right by you side
as close as your heart beat
as near as your next breath.
And My hope is that someday you will come to see
the depth of the river of love that flows towards you
out from this ancient heart of Mine."
I feel so hurt. All I want to do is cry. I kept wrestling with myself and my feelings from the past (that You didn't value me enough to let my mother live) last night. I guess You'll have to get me through this again. I partly know You will, but I feel shaky and lost. I don't want to close my feelings off in the way I did as a child, yet I don't want to get into free fall anger like I did over (my friend's) case last June. I feel caught between the two. The first is how I try to overcome the second.
Why are we called to try and bring justice and truth to bear if it doesn't work?
And I hear:
-- Fallen world. –
And I sense You say that this is a taste of how You feel.
Yet? How does that jive with Your sovereignty?
To say it is all in Your hands is not to say it all goes the way You want?
-- Kingdom come. Pray "Your will be done"
on earth... –
Oh. I guess it isn't.
-- No. No amount of "prayer" will "fix" it. –
...in total. only piece by piece. It will take a cataclysmic act of Yours to fix it.
-- Yes. –
but I'm so sick of it!
-- I know.
So am I..
It is repeated again and again the world over, in far worse cases. –
yet You've told me to put down my weapons, repeatedly. I don't understand how this fits.
-- Weapons of hate. –
oh. how do I do that? For hate is what I feel.
please help me. I feel so ugly and stained.
I had been trying so hard not to feel rebellious towards You over this because reacting the way I did the last time was horrible beyond words.
As I started to question why Tom's case came out like this, I was walking down the frozen food section of Safeway.
Suddenly, a song came on and hit me full in the face. It was as if You motioned to me to listen. I froze in my tracks in shock, thinking how could this ever apply to me, especially in the state I was in!
(I'm including the lyrics as best as I can remember them. Somehow, I feel they may also be for you. if not today, then tomorrow perhaps, or another day)
"Good night My angel, now it's time to go to sleep.
Put your questions away for another day
and know that I love you.
I have told you I would never leave you
and I will always be here right by you side
as close as your heart beat
as near as your next breath.
And My hope is that someday you will come to see
the depth of the river of love that flows towards you
out from this ancient heart of Mine."
-- Drop the shoulds. –
but then how do I know how to act?
-- Live close to Me. Ask Me for the day and I will tell you. –
one days worth?
-- Manna. Manna for a day. One day at a time. Each day. For the whole day. Ask Me to supply your need in this. Forget the "should’s". "Edwards" was right, here. All of the "should’s" Christians and "non" level at My people would drown them. Law doesn't work. If it did, I would have left it at that. How simple that would be!
And how complicated.
And how boring. Boring for you. Boring for Me! I like to live close to My people, to dwell with them! I love them. Passionately. With a passion that doesn't quit.
So if life is too complicated for them to really figure out --
so be it!
I have a purpose in this and the purpose is to drive them, pull them, draw them to Myself!
You know this! It's in scripture. All through it. The main theme if you will.
I want a people
and will go to
and have gone to
will continue to go to
any length it takes just to have them!
Even if it takes letting them drives themselves "nuts". --
(aw oh.)
-- Yes that means you, too.
Maybe... especially you. –
(I think I know what that means...)
-- Yes you do, little "no-stop-brain". –
(but Lord. I don't really know how to shut that part down, the figure-figure-figure it out part.)
-- I know. But you do know, really.
Put your mind in My hands. Actually picture it.
And then trust Me!
Trust Me with My people, little silliness! --
I do feel like I'm always on guard.
-- You don't make a very good sentry you know.
You are far too scattered. Fortunately. --
oh. that means You use my scattered-ness to keep me away from some of the things You don't want me near. You use what people see as our "flaws" (not sins), those things they think we "shouldn't" have, to complete Your purposes in our lives.
but then how do I know how to act?
-- Live close to Me. Ask Me for the day and I will tell you. –
one days worth?
-- Manna. Manna for a day. One day at a time. Each day. For the whole day. Ask Me to supply your need in this. Forget the "should’s". "Edwards" was right, here. All of the "should’s" Christians and "non" level at My people would drown them. Law doesn't work. If it did, I would have left it at that. How simple that would be!
And how complicated.
And how boring. Boring for you. Boring for Me! I like to live close to My people, to dwell with them! I love them. Passionately. With a passion that doesn't quit.
So if life is too complicated for them to really figure out --
so be it!
I have a purpose in this and the purpose is to drive them, pull them, draw them to Myself!
You know this! It's in scripture. All through it. The main theme if you will.
I want a people
and will go to
and have gone to
will continue to go to
any length it takes just to have them!
Even if it takes letting them drives themselves "nuts". --
(aw oh.)
-- Yes that means you, too.
Maybe... especially you. –
(I think I know what that means...)
-- Yes you do, little "no-stop-brain". –
(but Lord. I don't really know how to shut that part down, the figure-figure-figure it out part.)
-- I know. But you do know, really.
Put your mind in My hands. Actually picture it.
And then trust Me!
Trust Me with My people, little silliness! --
I do feel like I'm always on guard.
-- You don't make a very good sentry you know.
You are far too scattered. Fortunately. --
oh. that means You use my scattered-ness to keep me away from some of the things You don't want me near. You use what people see as our "flaws" (not sins), those things they think we "shouldn't" have, to complete Your purposes in our lives.
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