
Join me on a journey into the forest where our guide cannot be seen.

But He can be heard.

Have you heard His voice?

I have.

And I suspect that if you have wanted to know His voice, you have heard Him, too. Only perhaps you have not realized what or who you were hearing.

So if there is a yearning deep in you to know something as yet unknown, join with me to explore the wilds of creation with the One who created.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sheepish Under-shepherds

--You don’t need to change them.

Your job is to love them into the Kingdom. Love them as they are.

Did Jesus cajole or preach at anyone to move them into the Kingdom?

“Perhaps,” you think. “Look at the Pharisees.”

Yes, I did rebuke them for the hardness of their hearts,

but they were hardhearted

Truly hardhearted against Me

And they sought to lead others away from Me! Deliberately, intentionally.

This is not the case with your families. They are not hardhearted as such;

they are confused

and lost.

A sheep without a Shepherd is a dangerous thing,

and lonely.

Dangerous because it can hurt itself and others can get hurt trying to rescue it.

Sometimes the shepherd gets hurt in the process of seeking his (His) sheep

-but he (He) does not hold this against the sheep. Instead He seeks to hold the sheep and nurture it back to Himself, back to health.

He does not castigate the sheep, but merely seeks to do that which will prevent its harm – all His energies go into the sheep and not into His own desires.

I would have you (plural) do likewise

Be My “under-shepherds”

Work for the good of My sheep, alone.

Work with Me hand in hand and I will guide you.

Seek not your own good, but let Me take care of that for you, for not only are you My little “Shepherd-lings,” but you are My sheep, also.

And I love you

with a sacrificial love

that lays down My “life” daily for you.

Now I ask you to go and do likewise for the good of My sheep

for the good of My people,

for the good of Myself.—

Amen, Lord. Thank You.

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